Looking at the giraffes
Joey reading about the elephants
Looking at the Okapi
Us by the duck pond
(don't look to close... He's not buckled in... Bad momma, bad bad momma!)
Daddy & Joey by duck pond
Playing with Daddy
(believe me, it didn't last long at all -maybe 3 steps. Joey loved it, but Daddy was too nervous.)
Can you tell, someone had a good time?
Next day: Going to Grammy's house
Yesterday Richard and I had the day off work and since it was such a beautiful clear day outside we decided to make it a family day and venture out to the Zoo. It was a little on the cool side so we bundled up and headed out. I was thinking we'd probably be there an hour, before Joey would get fussy. Or it would be too cold outside to enjoy it... Or he'd be asleep through it all. We'll was I wrong. We got there around noon, and Joey was asleep for the first 5 minutes. The first animals we went to see were my favorite-the monkeys. Well they were being SOOOooo loud they woke him up. When his sleepy eyes opened, he was looked around like, "Heyyyyyy, I was trying to get some sleep!!!" Then he got this pensive expression like "Heyy, that's a weird sound... Nothing like I've ever heard before... What is that?" I can only imagine what he must've been thinking. But like the new parents we are, we snapped a million and one pictures of his first trip to the Zoo.
Around 3:30 Joey started rubbing his eyes and that's when I figured we better start heading home. Even though he was sleepy, he never fussed or threw a fit or anything. I am so proud of him. He sure proved me wrong. And let me tell ya folks, you better believe he slept allllll night.
It turned out to be such a great day, that we decided that at from now on we're going to take a Monday or Friday off work once a month and make it a Family-Fun-in-the Sun day.
--And I must admit, pushing my little sweetheart in a stroller around the Zoo was a pretty exciting time for me. Definitely another proud mommy moment!
On a side note: Joey got his 2nd tooth Saturday. Two weeks, two teeth!! At this rate he's gonna be a little toothy-shark-boy by his 1st birthday!
P.S. Be sure to check back, I'll be posting the Zoo pics tonight.